March 11, 2014

How to Get Decent Cash for Your Second Hand Car

Are you planning to sell your second hand car for cash? If yes, below information will help you to get a better price for your used car.

Collect Your Car’s Essential Details

Yes, agreed you may know about the basics like model, make, year, current mileage, etc. Along with these details, you must also know about the optional features like a CD player, keyless entry, a navigation system, leather seats etc. All these additional features will significantly add to your car’s overall resale value. So, ensure that you have a comprehensive list of it. If you want to double check the exactness of details, you may verify your vehicle’s original purchase documents.

Instant Cash for Cars

Also, you can collect all the maintenance receipts, which you may have stored (filed). Regular maintenance and oil changes are true indicators that you have kept your vehicle in good condition. If you have regularly changed your vehicle’s oil as per manufacturer suggestions that will certainly send out a positive sign to a customer that the car has been taken proper care and looked after well. This bit of information will add to the value of your car.

Don’t Overestimate Your Car’s Worth

You may think your car is in perfect condition as it drives smoothly. However, its value will rely on its real condition, so it’s imperative that you ought to have knowledge about your vehicle and be practical about it. Generally, owners tend to overvalue their vehicle worth that can lead to impractical expectations. If you set your asking price high, you will perhaps have more problems selling it.

Take the Guidance from Your Auto-Mechanic

It’s wise to take your auto mechanic’s advice. He will be able to tell you exactly the condition of your vehicle’s engine and any other components that are missing or not working properly. A vehicle inspection prior to selling it can be a real investment as:

  • You will be having full knowledge about your vehicle’s details in case a customer carries out their own inspection.
  • Such a recent vehicle inspection will take away the burden from the customer to have their own inspection executed.

Used Cars

Determine between ‘Trade-in’ and ‘Selling it yourself’

Once you are aware about the actual condition of your vehicle. The next crucial step is to determine whether you want to sell it yourself or trade it with the help of a dealership/ (Dealers who buy second hand cars in any condition). Both options have their own benefits and drawbacks.

Option 1: Trading Your Vehicle

  • It’s quick and easy. You will get instant cash for cars.
  • You don’t incur any costs for listing and selling it.
  • You don’t have to make personal calls or post emails from home.

Option 2: Selling Your Vehicle Yourself

  • You can directly negotiate the price with your prospective buyers.
  • You could end up getting 10 to 20% more for your used cars.
  • You don’t incur any dealer overhead cost.

You will have to decide what way you want to go. Do you have the time or desire to sell the vehicle yourself or rather you would prefer an easy way out, allowing someone else to do the work on your behalf.